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Is JavaScript the future?

A week ago or so I was trying to explain what JavaScript is to my mother. She's a 56-year-old lawyer, so I try to keep my concepts as basic as possible.

The story usually goes like this: "JavaScript was that shy person in the corner that no one was very fond of. Some years pass and that person got some

My favorite .NET libraries

Previously I wrote about my favorite JavaScript libraries. If JavaScript libraries appear almost on a daily basis, the case for .NET libraries is different, they appear at a much lower pace and sometimes it's difficult to spot them.

Similar to my previous post, I'll try to stick to open source or free libraries.


From my experience, clients always ask

My favorite JavaScript libraries

JavaScript libraries appear on a daily basis, and I think it is almost impossible to catch up.

For this article, I'll stick to libraries and plug-ins and leave full frameworks for some other time. These are libraries that I have personally used in my developments.


DateTime objects are always hell. Your application has one specification, the user's OS